Here are the details, including the meaning, point value, and more about the Scrabble word CHAT. Below
chat is worth 11 points in the game of Scrabble
Definitions for the word, chat
(n.) A bird of the genus Icteria, allied to the warblers, in America. The best known species are the yellow-breasted chat (I. viridis), and the long-tailed chat (I. longicauda). In Europe the name is given to several birds of the family Saxicolidae, as the stonechat, and whinchat.
(n.) A twig, cone, or little branch. See Chit.
(n.) Light, familiar talk; conversation; gossip.
(n.) Small stones with ore.
(v. i.) To talk in a light and familiar manner; to converse without form or ceremony; to gossip.
(v. t.) To talk of.