Here are the details, including the meaning, point value, and more about the Scrabble word FIX. Below
fix is worth 13 points in the game of Scrabble
Definitions for the word, fix
(a.) Fixed; solidified.
(n.) A position of difficulty or embarassment; predicament; dilemma.
(n.) fettling.
(v. i.) To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.
(v. i.) To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.
(v. t.) To hold steadily; to direct unwaveringly; to fasten, as the eye on an object, the attention on a speaker.
(v. t.) To line the hearth of (a puddling furnace) with fettling.
(v. t.) To make firm, stable, or fast; to set or place permanently; to fasten immovably; to establish; to implant; to secure; to make definite.
(v. t.) To put in order; to arrange; to dispose of; to adjust; to set to rights; to set or place in the manner desired or most suitable; hence, to repair; as, to fix the clothes; to fix the furniture of a room.
(v. t.) To render (an impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensible to the action of light.
(v. t.) To transfix; to pierce.