Here are the details, including the meaning, point value, and more about the Scrabble word LEE. Below
lee is worth 3 points in the game of Scrabble
Definitions for the word, lee
(a.) Of or pertaining to the part or side opposite to that against which the wind blows; -- opposed to weather; as, the lee side or lee rail of a vessel.
(n.) A sheltered place; esp., a place protected from the wind by some object; the side sheltered from the wind; shelter; protection; as, the lee of a mountain, an island, or a ship.
(n.) That part of the hemisphere, as one stands on shipboard, toward which the wind blows. See Lee, a.
(n.) That which settles at the bottom, as of a cask of liquor (esp. wine); sediment; dregs; -- used now only in the plural.
(v. i.) To lie; to speak falsely.