More information about our descrambler for word games
Our word descrambler unscrambles decoded letters or words and finds all words within the word.
For example, if you put the letters CHEAT into to our word scramble tool, we will unscramble it, and you will be presented
with words like this, TEACH, EACH, ACHE, CAT, ACT, etc... Each set of words will be sorted alphabetically and grouped by letter, "4 letter words", "3 letter words" and so on.
Here is the technical definitions of the terms used:
- Unscramble - restore (something that has been scrambled) to an intelligible, readable, or viewable state.
- Descramble - convert or restore (a signal) to intelligible form.
- Decode - convert (a coded message) into intelligible language.
definitions are courtesy of Google.
The definition are almost identical... so I guess that means a descrambler, unscrambler, and word decoder are pretty much the same. Our word unscrambler allows you to enter and filter by starting, ending and containing letters.
Our word decoder works for Scrabble, Words With Friends, Text Twist, and Jumble. You can descramble multiple words, phrases, sentences, and any set of letters.